DoD GHE Knowledge Management Program
The Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences’ (USU’s) Center for Global Health Engagement's (CGHE's) Knowledge Management (KM) Program supports the DoD GHE enterprise in capturing, organizing, and connecting knowledge from source to user. We strive to operate a well functioning KM system that enables our stakeholders to perform and coordinate effectively; learn and adapt continuously; and innovate collectively.
What is KM?
Knowledge Management is the process of systematically collecting and organizing information and knowledge and connecting them to users so that they can act in an informed and effective manner. It is more than a repository or a database. A KM system is composed of people, processes, technologies, activities and products all working to address an information or knowledge need in a timely way.
Dive deeper into the theory and science of KM here.
Our Work
CGHE began to stand up a KM Program in 2019 guided by the JROCM 008-19 DOTmLPF-P Change Recommendation (DCR) for GHE and Change 1 of the DoDI 5105.45.
- JROCM 008-19 DOTmLPF-P Change Recommendation (DCR) for GHE
Directed the establishment of a joint GHE knowledge management structure to support practitioners. USUHS, by way of CGHE, is a supporting stakeholder.
- DoDI 5105.45 Change 1
USUHS will provide GHE-related support to the ASD(HA), OSD, Joint Staff, Combatant Commands, Services, and other DoD components, in accordance with DoDI 2000.30, through the Center for Global Health Engagement.
KM for DoD GHE: A Practitioner-Centered Approach
Our aim is to meet the information and knowledge requirements of the GHE practitioner at every phase of their experience. We do this by developing knowledge products and activities as well as leveraging other existing knowledge sharing and learning structures at CGHE, see Training and Education. Program implementation is organized along five focus areas: information, community, process, engagement, and innovation.
Learn more about how KM supports DoD GHE here.
MEDICAL OPTIONS (Medical Evaluations Describing Interoperability Capability Assessment Levels of Partner Trauma Institutions Or Non-battle Injury Services) is our flagship KM platform providing insights into partner nation medical capabilities to support operational planning. Please note that you need a U.S. government provisioned Common Access Card (CAC) to access the platform.
DoD GHE Community of Practice
Through our community of practice (CoP), we connect GHE practitioners across the DoD system, providing a place for those with equities and interests in GHE to exchange with and learn from one another in order to stay current on GHE trends, advance shared goals, and co-create solutions to common challenges. You can learn more about the CoP and join as a member through milSuite. This platform will also require a CAC to access.
PEERS Webinars (Promoting Education, Exchange, and Resource Sharing)
PEERS is a knowledge sharing webinar series where we highlight trending GHE topics, invite experts in the field to share insights, and encourage thoughtful discussion among participants.
- PEERS #1: GHE Lessons Learned with Dr. Kevin Riley
- PEERS #2: Relationship Building and Capacity Strengthening with the National Guard Bureau’s State Partnership Program
- PEERS #3: Security Assistance Group - Ukraine (04 SEP, email to get added on our distro list to receive the event invite)
GHE Snapshots
DoD GHE Snapshots are white papers covering any and all topics surrounding GHE. These knowledge products are brought to you by CGHE every month. You can read the Snapshots here.
GHE QUERI (Questions Uncovering Engagement-Related Issues)
QUERI is a curation of GHE related learning questions sourced from DoD agencies and stakeholders. These topics can be used by students and/or researchers as prompts for thought papers, practicum foci, white papers, and capstone projects. View the questions here. If you are interested in submitting or working with a QUERI question, email
What’s Your GHE Story?
What’s Your GHE Story? collects case stories from practitioners to gather best practices and lessons learned in implementing GHE activities. Complete this form to share your experience. Email for any questions.